Golden Paw Recipient - July 2021

Announcing our July Golden Paw recipient:

2021.07.05 Lightshine July 21 Golden Paw.png

50% of all profits on Wolfenoot merch in July will be donated to Lightshine Canine, nominated by Cassy Magee.

Cassy had this to say about them:

Lightshine Canine is a rez dog rescue group dedicated to saving the lives of stray and uncared for dogs (and sometimes cats!) in the poorest place in the United States, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of South Dakota. They rescue hundreds of dogs every year from horrible weather conditions, injuries, illness, and abuse. They are a network of volunteers, veterinarians, and all around just kind people willing to help. They educate the communities they rescue from, and hardly take a day off. They see the worst of the worst, and yet they never lose hope. They know they are making an impact, and will continue to do so, so long as they have running vehicles and open hearts. Don't let their not-up-to-date website fool you, they are too busy with their paws-off-the-ground moments to maintain it well. But they are active on Facebook and Instagram if you want to learn more and read some of their wonderfully written accounts. They are rescuing lives every day, and seeing the light come into the eyes of the dogs they save is an inspiration.

You can get Wolfenoot merch on our website or in our Redbubble store.


Pets of Wolfenoot Page-a-day Calendar


Golden Paw Recipient - May 2021