Golden Paw Recipient - April 2021

Announcing our April Golden Paw recipient:

2021.04 Michigan Humane announcement.png

50% of all profits on Wolfenoot merch in April will be donated to Michigan Humane, nominated by Jessica Fabian.

Jessica had this to say about them:

Michigan Humane is a long time advocate for animals as well as providing shelter and veterinary services for their community. Michigan Humane’s field team is out every day working to better the lives of not only animals but the humans that share their lives. One Health events provide free veterinary services for pets of low income families as well as connecting the families with services to better their living conditions. Michigan Humane’s pet pantry is a pet food bank operated by Michigan Humane. Basically the organization and its incredible team works hard to better animal’s lives, and be a resource for their community. Check 'm out!

You can get Wolfenoot merch on our website or in our Redbubble store.


Golden Paw Recipient - May 2021


The Golden Paw